Ildikó Fehér

Arte in Ungheria dal medioevo all'epoca barocca
dal 15 luglio al 27 luglio

Language: Italian

Sede del corso:

Università di Belle Arti d’Ungheria, Budapest, Via Andrássy 69-71, Dipartimento di Storia dell’arte, al pianterreno N. 5.

Descrizione del corso:

Il tema del corso è la storia dell’arte ungherese dal XI al XVII secolo. Le lezioni presentano il piú importanti ricordi e movimenti del epoca di medioevo, rinascimento e barocca concentrando alla pittura e scultura: I grandi cicli di affreschi medioevali, la plastica decorativa del epoca di Re Sigismondo nella prima metà del Quattrocento e le grandi pale d’altare a sportelli, riccamente scolpite e dipinte, diffuse nel XV secolo di influsso austro-germanico. Il Re Mattia Corvino, colto e mecenate, fu una delle figure più interessanti del Rinascimento. La sua sede, nel Castello di Buda era importante centro della cultura del Rinascimento. Attirò a Buda umanisti e artisti italiani (Chimenti Camicia, Bonfini, Giovanni Dalmata) fondò la grande Biblioteca Corvina. Quel poco che resta dell’opera dei artisti menzionati dopo l’occupazione ottomana, come la stupenda fontana di Visegrád, i frammenti di affreschi di Esztergom, i codici della famosa Biblioteca di Mattia e la splendida Capella di Bakócz nella catedrale di Esztergom.

Durante il tempo del corso, tre volte visitiamo insieme le mostre permanente dei musei di Budapest per conoscere meglio l’arte locale.

Numero di partecipanti: minimo di 5, massimo di 20 persone


Tre volte alla durata del corso organizziamo visite guidate alle galerie e musei di Budapest (Galleria Nazionale d’Ungheria, Museo Nazionale d’Ungheria e Museo di Storia di Budapest). La tassa frequenza del corso esclusa I costi dei biglietti d’ingressi (cca. 12-15 euro).

Codice del corso: 11320020

Ildikó Fehér, art historian and senior lecturer, was born in Budapest in 1968. She studied Art History and Hungarian Literature at the M.A. Faculty of Arts of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. The Topic of her thesis was “The decoration of a Corvina Codex, which contains Arianus’s De expedition Alexandri, prepared in Naples in the 15th century, now in the Vatican Library in Rome (Lat.Cod. 5268.).” In 1999, she obtained a Ph.D. degree in Art History from Eötvös Loránd University, Thesis title: “Study of the Italian gothic fresco series depicting allegoric female figures of virtues and vices, in the possession of the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts.”
From 1992 to 1994, she was vice-curator at the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest. Since 1998, she has been teaching at the Art History Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.

Publications (selection)

Published in a book

Artisti Ungheresi per Miklós Boskovits. Hungarian self-portraits in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery, a cura di I. Fehér, 2013, Firenze.
“Some buildings in Assisi from the Middle Ages whose detached frescos are in the ownership of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest as a result of Károly Pulszky’s purchases”, in: A. Tüskés (ed.) Essays in honour of Maria Prokopp, on her 70th birthday, Budapest, 2009, pp. 95-99.
“Two cities, Two Directors, and One Collection”, in: Renaissance Studies in Honour of Joseph Connors, ed.: Machtelt Israëls, Louis A. Waldman, Florence, Villa I Tatti, 2011.
“A váci utcai Szent Mihály templom története”, in: Belvárosi krónika. Az Angol kisasszonyok zárdájának és iskoláinak története, Budapest, 2003.pp. 14-16.

Published in periodicals in English

“Cola Petruccioli’s fresco cycle from the Palazzo Isidori in Perugia” in: Arte Cristiana (Milano) 2007. (XCV.) pp. 111-120.
“Frescoes from the Ospedale di S. Caterina in the Collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts” in: Arte Cristiana (Milano) 2007. (XCV.) pp. 241-250.
“Frescoes now in Budapest from the Confraternity of San Crispino in Assisi” in: Arte Cristiana (Milano) 2008. (XCVI.) pp. 181-190.
“Three 15th century murals from the area of Foligno in Budapest” in: Arte Cristiana (Milano), 2011, (XCIX) 865, pp. 271-280.
“KárolyPulszky’s Purchases in Florence between 1893 and 1895” in: Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, n. LIV, 2 (2010-2012), pp. 319-364.

Published in periodicals in Hungarian

“A perugiai Palazzo Isidori allegorikus freskó ciklusáról” in: Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts 92-93.(2000) pp. 179-188.
“Schöfft József ismeretlen oltár képei a váci egyházmegyében” in: Művészettörténeti Értesítő 2006. (LV.) pp. 415-423.
“Szent László és Szent Lénárd freskói a sikló sivár kápolna kegyúri fülkéjében” in: Magyar Műemlékvédelem (XIV.) 2007. pp. 73-86.
“Assisi magyar vonatkozásairól” in: Várak, kastélyok, templomok, 2008/VIII.pp. 10-13.
“Zsámbékelfeledettfalképei. Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselletanítványánakfelmérése a premontreitemplomfalképeiről 1895-ből” in: Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 57/1. (2008) pp. 83-94.
“Pulszky Károly (1853-1899)”, in: Enigma, XVII, 2010/62.,pp. 9-25.
“PulszkyKároly, a Szépművészeti Múzeum megálmodója”, 1, Verrocchio és az itáliai falfestészet vonzásában, 2, in: Artmagazin, 2011/46. pp. 49-55, 2011/47. pp. 44-52.
“In memoriam Boskovits Miklós, Középkortudós Firenzében” in: Műértő, XV. évf. 3. sz, 2012, March, p. 6.

Teaching experience

Since 1998, she has taught as a senior lecturer of the Art History Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts: holds lectures and seminars on Renaissance and Baroque art.
Lectures in foreign institutes:
2008, 2010: Accademia di Belle Arti, Macerata (Italy)
2012: Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence

Conference activity/participation

2011 7th International Congress of Hungarian Studies, Cluj-Napoca, organised by Babeş–Bolyai University
2008 “Renaissance Relations”: Hungary and Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries, Pécs, Organised by University of Science Pécs
2007 Take part in the organization of the conference on Italy and Hungary: Humanism and Art in the Early Renaissance in Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence

Curatorial projects

2013 “La lucedelloSpirito”, Exhibition of Hungarian contemporary artists at the Hungarian Academy of Rome, associated curator
2013 “Self-portraits of Hungarian painters in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence”, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, curator

Research experience

Self-portraits of Hungarian artists in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery
Detached wall paintings from Italy now in the collection of Museum of Fine Arts Budapest
Károly Pulszky’s activity and works: the first director of Museum of Fine Arts Budapest
Historical studies of 15-16th century paintings restored at the Conservator Institute of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts

Postdoctoral fellowships

2009 Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut
2006 Mellon Research Fellowship at Villa I Tatti: The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Firenze
2001 “OTKA” (National Scientific Research Base Programs) in Budapest

Research fellowships

2011 Teacher’s Grant from the Amadeus Foundation
2000 Rome and Perugia University, granted by the Hungarian Scholarship Committee
1996 Perugia, to study Palazzo Stocchi-Isidori, Soros Foundation

Professional memberships

Member of Public Law Association of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences