Frigyes Kőnig

Life Drawing
15-27 July 2013

Assistant: Ádám Albert

Language: English


Hungarian University of Fine Arts, main building, 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 69-71, 2nd floor, room no. 8.


The aim of the course is for participants to formulate a unique, personalized artistic approach, to become familiar with – and learn to analyze – the proportions and structure of the human body, based on concrete drawing exercises. Developing the sense of proportion and form are is also an important objective.

Within the framework of the summer academy, we offer training in model-based drawing, where participants have the opportunity to study the tectonics, human ratio, distribution of volume, and surface qualities of the human body, as well as the unique visual-spatial construction of the human figure and its environment.

The objective of the course is to provide its participants with the ability of representing the object as perceived, in all its complexity, in three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface, to develop their skills of abstract representation and their imagination in relations to creating images.

The course takes into account, and assumes a sensitive approach, to participants with various levels of skill and experience and formulates the program accordingly.

Participants of the Summer Academy become familiarized with the classical, traditional principles of image composition and are provided with an opportunity to try out different tools, materials and techniques in relation to drawing.

Drawing exercises of an analytical nature foster the development of image composition and autonomous thinking in terms of artistic creation and design.

Study aids of the Department of Artistic Anatomy, Drawing and Geometry include models and demonstration objects.

Number of participants: minimum 8 persons, maximum 25 persons

Equipments, tools: Drawing tools, such as: pencil, crayon, pastel, charcoal, watercolour, drawing paper)

Upon request HUFA will obtain the necessary tools in advance on first-cost, (please contact the administrative coordinator at before 25 June 2013).

Course code: 11320023

Frigyes Kőnig was born in 1955, in Székesfehérvár, Hungary. He currently lives and works in Budapest. By profession he is a painter and graphic artist. He graduated from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in 1982. Since 2002, he has been professor and Head of the Artistic Anatomy, Geometry and Drawing Department. He has also been rector of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts since 2005.

Solo Exhibitions (selection)

2012 Columna, Galerija Bačva, Zagreb
Képzelet és Kontinuitás, Sepsiszentgyörgy/ Sfântu Gheorghe, Árkosi Cultural Centre
Orbis Pictus, Sepsiszentgyörgy/ Sfântu Gheorghe, Magma Contemporary Art Space
Semmelweis Salon
2011 Genius Loci, Komáromi Kisgaléria, Komárom/Komarno
2010 BLUES, Fuga, Budapest
Nyíregyháza, City Gallery
Balassagyarmat, Horváth Endre Gallery
2009 Oktogon Gallery, Budapest
Oberbank, Wien
2008 „Improved Version” -Vác - Greek temple
Mixtura Picturális Gmünd Maltathor
Participation in the exhibition Renaissance Visual Treasury, Hungarian National Museum
„Time Jump” - Vaszary Gallery, Kaposvár
2007 „Romance” - Raiffeisen Gallery, Budapest
„Bunkers” - Hungarian Institute, Moscow
2007 „Castles of Hungary”- József Attila Museum, Makó
2006 „Gorsium” - Accademia d'Ungheria, Róma
„Castles and Fortresses” , - Vajdahunyad Castle, Budapest
"Heavenly and Earthly", - Gebauer Gallery, Pécs
"Harmonia Perturbata", - Hungarian Institute, Moscow
"Harmonia Perturbata", - Chemiakin Foundation, St. Petersburg

Works in collections

Municipal Picture Gallery, Kiscelli Museum, Budapest; Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs; Attila József Museum, Makó; Museum of Contemporary Art-Ludwig Museum, Budapest; Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest; Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc, Hungary; Paks Picture Gallery, Paks, Hungary; Somogyi Museum, Kaposvár, Hungary; King St. Stephen Museum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary; Ignác Tragor Museum, Vác, Hungary


Beke, László: Kőnig Frigyes: egy lehetséges művészi megtakarítás? Balkon, 2002/3, pp.:32-33
Forgách, András: „Kőnig korszakai”, Balkon 2004. 1-2
Budapesti Műtermek, ed.: Enrico Navarra, 1990, pp.138.
Kitzinger, Kata: „Pictura és archeológia”, Műértő, March 2004
Kovács, Péter: Távol a rivaldától, Balkon, 1995/10-11, pp.:35.
Kürti, Emese: A rovargyűjtő mindenhol talál rovart, 2009/1.
Margócsy, István: Kőnig Frigyes utazásai, Élet és Irodalom, 23 May 2003
Marosi, Ernő: Kőnig Frigyes kiállítása elé, Balkon, 2007/3, 24-27.
Muladi, Brigitta: Időugrás kiállítási katalógus, 2008. Vaszary képtár, Kaposvár
Nagy, Edina: Túlvilági strandok, Balkon 2002/9. pp.: 16-18.
Petrányi, Zsolt: Az objektív kép nyilván fikció, Art Magazin 2008/6.pp. 52-54.


Bevezetés a művészeti anatómiába, Cser Kiadó, Budapest, 2013
“Gondolatok Széchényi Pál arcrekonstrukciójával kapcsolatban” In: Széchényi Pál
, 150. Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft., Győr 2012.
Arcrekonstrukció, Semmelweis Kiadó, 2011
Historia Picta Castellorum, Erődítések és várak a Kárpát-medencében az őskortól a
XIX. Századig, Archaeolingua Kiadó, Budapest, 2010
Emlékezés Soós Elemérre 2005/5. pp. 10-11.
A történelmi tájfestészet kiemelkedő mestere Ligeti Antal: 2007/5, 29-31. old.
Megzavart összhang, Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2004
Fürdőzők, Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum–Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest, 2002
Művészeti Anatómia és Geometria (társszerző: Funták Gyula) Semmelweis Kiadó, Bp.
2005., második kiadás 2007.
Várak és erődítmények a Kárpát–medencében, Helikon Kiadó, Budapest, 2001

Teaching experience

2005 – Rector of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts
2003 – Head of the Artistic Anatomy, Geometry and Drawing Department
1998 Texas Christian University, Fort- Worth, Texas, USA, guest lecturer
2011 – 1997 Life Studies, Texas Christian University Summer Course, Budapest
1990 2003 Department of Artistic Anatomy and Spatial Representation, senior lecturer as of 1991, associate professor as of 1998, and university professor as of 2003
1990-till present, teaches at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts

Conference activity/participation

Science in Art, Art in Science, Marosvásárhely/Targu Mures,
Encounter between Mathematics, Physics and the Arts in Education and Research 2012.
Castles from the Time of Balassi, International Balassi Conference, Kékkő (Modrý
Kameň), Slovakia, 2012.
Art and Science, SOTE, Department of Pathology, Budapest 2009.
On the visual representation of fortresses and archeological objects, Castrum Bene
Conference Sárospatak, 2008.
Art and Anatomy, Artistic Anatomy – Semmelweis University, Department of Human Morphology, Budapest 2007.
The situation of Hungarian Higher Education, Innsbruck, Rectors’ Conference of the Central-Eastern European Region, 2006.
Art as Research Conference (Science, Visual Representation, Artistic Creation)
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest 2006.

Research experience

Facial reconstruction, Iseum, Savaria, Szombathely, 2013
Facial reconstruction – joint project with the Hungarian National Museum, 2010-2012
Examination of the mummy of Archbishop Pál Széchényi, 2012.
Participation in the creation of the website Castles in Hungary
Renaissance Visual Treasury, Hungarian National Museum

Awards and grants

2010 Mednyánszky László Award
2009 In memoriam Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar - National Exhibition of Applied and Fine Arts, Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs – awarded the Schönwiesner Medal
2004 MAOE Award (Hommage a’ Salvador Dali)
2003 Dénes Deák Award
2002 Hungarian Presidential Award
2001 Széchenyi Grant
1998 Mihály Munkácsy Award
1996 Grant of the National Cultural Fund
1995 Soros Grant
1990 Barcsay Award
1989 Ministry of Culture; award for excellence
1988 Ministry of Culture, Hungarian Academy of Rome
1983 Derkovits Grant


2008 Gmünd, Austria, guest artist
1998 Texas Christian University, Fort- Worth, Texas, USA, guest professor

Professional memberships

2010 – Hungarian Rectors’ Conference – member of the National Talent Support Council
2008 – Member of the Board of Editors of Castles, Fortresses and Temples, journal of history, heritage protection and tourism, also co-editor of website
2006 – 2008 President of the Committee of Artistic Training
2006 – 2008 President of MERSZ (Chair of Art University Rectors)
2005 2008 University Section of Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, presidency membership
2005 2008 National Cultural Fund, member of the Fine Arts Division
2004 – 2007 member of the Hungarian CEEPUS Committee
2001 – 2007 Member of the Derkovits Grant Council


Artist cv:
Academic cv: